Tesla can swap out batteries in about 90 seconds. That will enable future upgrading of: power, back up, distance, and recharging, charger for the tesla. This page tells you how long it takes to recharge: https://www.pluglesspower.com/learn/tesla-model-s-charging-home-public-autonomously/ [metaslider id=1593] Expert at panel changes, federal pacific, sylvania zinsco, edison based fuse panel change, three phase work, new […]
Federal Pacific Panel | Sylvania Zinsco | Fuse Panel | Electrician
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Niall B. Montclair, 94611 I used Williams Electric recently to install new power outlets in our home and fix up some lighting issues. First off, it was easy to get a hold of them and schedule an appointment as they have an admin running the phones. This makes scheduling WAY […]
Klay Thompson Taiwan Jones|Williams Electric|510 339-5601
Taiwan Jones and Klay Thompson’s assistants both called Williams electric to work on their houses in the last few months. Williams electric, electrician to the stars. Taiwan had a pit bull, with the biggest head I’ve ever seen on a dog, who tried to jump his fence to get at me, but Klay had a […]
Federal Pacific|Williams Electric|510 339-5601|Bad knob and tube work.
This is a burned federal pacific stab lok panel, which I have seen burst into flames five times.
Another decent client|Williams Electric|510 339-5601|Power loss knob and tube rewire|lights lighting
Another decent client|Williams Electric|510 339-5601|Power loss knob and tube rewire|lights lighting and new circuits. Great people who were very decent. Offered to buy me lunch, stayed and were friendly, paid up front, clean souls and good eyes.
My latest decent clients, had a bad federal pacific stab lok panel that almost caught fire.
My latest decent clients, tried to give me a $100 tip, but I gave them a $125 discount instead, had a bad federal pacific stab lok panel that almost caught fire. Call Williams Electric|510 339-5601 for panel replacement.
WAll of shame. Burned stab lok federal pacific panel|Williams Electric|510 339-5601
Another burned federal pacifc stab lok panel repaired/replaced by Williams Electric in Oakland ca. This house had 8 space heaters and added to the burning panel. https://www.geoffwilliamselectric.com https://www.geoffwilliamselectric.com/testimonials <h1> <font color=”red”>Best of yelp electrician Oakland, Berkeley, piedmont, montclair. Repairing your electrical wiring is not an upgrade to your system; it’s an upgrade to your […]
Women change trades to become electricians. 600 women make the switch with this program.
http://www.edmontonjournal.com/business/tradesalberta/Trades+Alberta+Women+made+career+switch+become/8582795/story.html Women change trades to become electricians. 600 women move to skilled trades on this program. Williams electric with 40 years of experience, has seen many women on site as electricians, and have worked for many same sex couples as well as having worked side by side with many straight tradeswomen on sites. More power […]